This guide is for anyone who wants to file with the. Download our free Ohio eviction notice.Demand that your tenant complies with the lease or pay rent with an eviction letter for Ohio. Use our free Small Claims Demand Letter template to file a complaint with the Small Claims court. FIFTEEN (15) DAY DEMAND NOTICE OF COURT PROCEEDING TO COLLECT DEBT - PDF LINK: Send prior to filing a garnishment. The landlord must provide the tenant with a Notice to Leave the Premises at least three (3) days before filing the Eviction Complaint. Explain when and how you got the letter. For example: "This letter was shoved under the door to my apartment some time before 6 p.m. Here's how to prepare for your hearing, to speak up when it's your turn and to find out about courtroom processes and rules. Before you complete your Small Claims Complaint, please read the following.