If you fail to appear at this time and place you may be arrested or your license may be cancelled. This summons served personally on the defendant on.I'm writing you to request that the following fines in your court be recalled from collections and set a payment plan. In this article, we will discuss how to write a formal letter to a judge, along with the proper format and a sample letter. In traffic cases, the complaint and summons shall be the "Ohio Uniform Traffic Ticket" as set out in the Appendix of Forms. Fighting a ticket in Ohio begins with a notice to appear in court within a specified time frame. I need to write a letter regarding a speeding ticket to plead not guilty. I''m wondering if what information I need to. I wrote a written statement to ask for a reduction of the penalty and sent it several weeks ago but haven't gotten a response yet. Arraignment hearings for traffic tickets are held in Courtroom 1A and 1B on the 1st floor of 375 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.