Gives you more space to complete any Judicial Council form. This is always attached to another form or court paper before it can be filed in court.There are very specific rules and procedures for filing and serving court paperwork, which are strictly enforced. You must complete this form and form SER001, Request for Sheriff to Serve. Court Paper, and turn both forms in to the sheriff or marshal. Information about filing court documents in Sacramento County, California. Filing, PACER, Calndar, Info, Court Apparancs, Rqust for Notic, For Dbtors, For Attornys, Court Information, For Crditors, Court Nws Aspx for the latest e-filing FAQs from the Sacramento Superior Court. 1. Complete the CPS Records Request Form below and fill it out with as much information as possible. Local downloadable court forms appear in the tabbed sections below.