A complete list of forms can be found at the bottom of this page. Please read the instructions below to ensure that you select the correct form.Review basic information on legal assistance topics that commonly affect military members such as consumer affairs, family law, wills, or powers of attorney. This Affirmative Action Plan is being adopted to assist in the achievement and maintenance of equal opportunity employment with Travis County. Can you tell me the name of the defendant and the defendant's next court date? I was the victim of a crime. A defendant in a small claims or debt claim case is entitled to be sued in one of the following venues in the county and precinct. Onethird of all renters in the state applied to the program, according to Housing Corporation spokesperson Stacey Barnes. Arkansas. Options to fill out a form (online, with pen, using a form-filling program); Tips for filling out forms and where to get help. View the form in English.