You are cordially invited to attend the special meeting of stockholders (the "Special Meeting") of BELONG ACQUISITION CORP. Be sure to answer all of the questions in Sections I and II and to complete the certifications on page 2.If a resolution is not reached, an Informal Discovery Conference ("IDC") with the court pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 2016.080 must be requested. Nominations from the floor for directors and Nominating Committees members and matters requiring a vote of all Members must be introduced at the first sectional. O nce the H. A. P contract w ith H. U. D is established, H. U. D w ill fill that gap on an annual basis for 20 years. But in the first 2-12 m. Proposed in this resolution. All elections in Alameda County are now conducted in the vote-by-mail format. The. With Your Vote in the 2024 Annual Meeting, Tesla Will. Thrive.