The Foundation of HOPE's Mentoring Program matches individuals incarcerated at the Allegheny County Jail (and formerly incarcerated individuals) with mentors. Your first mentor meeting should accomplish three simple goals for both mentor and mentee: Build familiarity and rapport.The first mentor meeting is usually just a starting point for deeper conversations that will happen in future meetings. As a Bonner at Allegheny, you will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience through community-based placements at local non-profits in Meadville to lead. Here is how I structure my mentoring sessions and some of the questions I used for my first mentoring session at my current company. You had the first meeting with a new mentor. In a recent discussion with one of my mentees, she pointed out a gap that I hoped to help her fill. (c) shall not apply to a current member of the Pennsylvania Game Commission until the member completes the term being served on the effective date of Act 184. Small wonder, then, that 67 percent of all returning citizens end up incarcerated again within three years' time. The most important issue at the first meeting, after introductions and some face-to-face discussions, is for Mentees to set up their Personal Mentoring Plan.