This page explains the procedure for obtaining a Marriage License from the Office of the New York City Clerk You can schedule an in-person appointment for a Marriage Ceremony, Marriage License, and other select services through Project Cupid.Basically, you need to meet the following requirements to obtain a marriage license: You must be at least 18 years old. A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. Fill in the appropriate oval to the right of "Yourself. You do NOT need to get married in City Hall or in the Court House, but you do need a marriage license in order to get married and a marriage certificate. " During his time in command, Clark met his future expedition partner, Meriwether Lewis. Hargitay noted that her first thought after meeting Hermann was, "Who is that Clark Gable Superman guy that I need to marry today? Official website of the City of Philadelphia, includes information on municipal services, permits, licenses, and records for citizens and businesses. Answering questions or filling out forms.