Faculty mentors may have a maximum of three mentoring relationships per academic year. By following the tips below, you can create a productive, positive relationship with your mentor or mentee that will last for months (or even years) to come.Your first mentor meeting should accomplish three simple goals for both mentor and mentee: Build familiarity and rapport. Individuals who are ready to file a municipal income tax return or an exemption in one online session can file using FastFile. Here is how I structure my mentoring sessions and some of the questions I used for my first mentoring session at my current company. Each applicant for inclusion on the Trial Counsel List not already meeting the requirements for inclusion must have a designated mentor. Learn about Tri-C's Reach Scholars Mentoring Program and explore campus support for Reach Scholars through liaisons located on each of our campuses. The Illuminating Company serves more than 700,000 customers in northeast Ohio. How can we help you today?