I completed Dre's contract (Getting Johnny Guns and everything) and got a call from Franklin to meet him somewhere but I can't find where on the map, help? Board Chair, Lisa Garcia Quiroz, opened the meeting and noted it was her first meeting as Chair.Detective Lee during her interview, under Franklin Rule of Evidence 804(b)(6), arguing that Hale had wrongfully caused Reed to become unavailable to testify. On July 1, 1731, Benjamin Franklin and a number of his fellow members of the Junto drew up "Articles of Agreement" to found a library. Application for Membership. Acceptance Speech for the Renomination for the Presidency, Philadelphia, Pa. June 27, 1936. Senator Robinson, Members of the Democratic Convention, my friends:. Full text and audio mp3 of Franklin Delano Roosevelt speech First Fireside Chat. He was appointed deputy postmaster-general for the British colonies in 1753, which enabled him to set up the first national communications network. In the absence of such designation, such meetings shall be held at the principal executive office of the corporation.