The first mentor meeting is usually just a starting point for deeper conversations that will happen in future meetings. In this post, I'll review, from both perspectives, what you'll need to do to get the most out of your first mentor meeting.As a woman business owner, building a relationship with a mentor can impact your success and help you grow. Here is how I structure my mentoring sessions and some of the questions I used for my first mentoring session at my current company. If you need information about mentoring programs or services in or near Alpharetta, find 75 programs to assist you. Mentors and students each fill out an extensive application profile that helps make this match. The mentoring relationships will formally last one school year. The mentor makes the initial contact with the patient to offer one-on-one support over the phone or e-mail. First Step is holding 6-week long in-person classes for women interested in working in the human services field. The most important issue at the first meeting, after introductions and some face-to-face discussions, is for Mentees to set up their Personal Mentoring Plan.