It also constitutes a notice of meeting with respect to the L3 stockholder meeting and a notice of meeting with respect to the Harris stockholder meeting. From keeping board meeting minutes to ensuring conversations remain on topic, here are some tips on how to host an annual shareholder meeting.Advance notice bylaw provisions are intended to require a stockholder to provide prior notice to a corporation of a stockholder's director nominees or business. All such notices shall be given to each stockholder entitled thereto not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days before each annual meeting. The notice must state the place, date, hour, means of remote communication and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting. Shareholder meetings can be held on short-term notice if the required number of shareholders have agreed to attend the meeting in such a short period of time. On behalf of our Board of Directors, we cordially invite you to our 2024 Annual Meeting of. You will need the 16-digit number included in your proxy card, voter instruction form or notice. Online access begins at a.m. A form of notice and agenda for an annual meeting of the shareholders of a Texas corporation.