Commit to share your first 100 day plan with your boss. Write your 100 day plan in a document or email and send to your manager before you meet again.1. Introduce yourself - offer donuts you brought with you 2. State your position and scope of responsibility 3. Learn how to adjust to a new boss with a different leadership style using effective communication, taking the initiative, staying observant and flexible. Introduction to a new boss should include your name, position, how long you've worked for the company and what makes you a loyal employee. I've learned today that I'll have a new managent and they'll soon set up meetings to introduce themselves and learn about each of us. What should I expect? In this post, we'll share 40 questions to ask your boss during oneonones, performance reviews, and casual conversation. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.