Shareholder meetings are a regulatory requirement, so both private and public companies must hold these meetings. You are invited to attend the special meeting, and we request that you vote on the proposal described in this proxy statement.A special shareholder meeting is called to handle issues that occur in between annual meetings and there are requirements for calling and holding the meeting. On behalf of our Board of Directors, we cordially invite you to our 2024 Annual Meeting of. The corporation can allow others to call a special meeting, such as the BoD Chair, CEO, or yes, shareholders. The 14th Annual Shareholders' Meeting. Date and Time: June 24, 2024(Monday) at 10 am. IBM also expanded our portfolio through strategic acquisitions, underscoring our commitment to invest in the success of our clients. The Board of Directors recommends that the Company's stockholders approve each of the proposals set forth in the Notice. The official website of the City of New York.