An annual meeting of shareholders may be held at any place within or outside of California as stated in or fixed under the bylaws. California corporate law requires an annual meeting of the shareholders, but there is no requirement for an annual directors meeting.These resolutions cover selecting the location and date, setting the record date, appointing the inspector or inspectors of election, soliciting proxies. EMinutes provides free templates for the most popular corporate resolutions. The Los Angeles County Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protections Ordinance (RSTPO) is a local law that limits annual rent increases. Filing resolutions is crucial for shareholder advocacy, but investors may withdraw filed resolutions in certain cases. A resolution of the City Council of the City of Bell, California, identifying employee classifications, compensation levels, and pay ranges. California, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0704. BOARD or COMMISSION means the Board of Civil Service.