Welcome. The notice or letter you received explains the reason(s) for the contact and provides instruction on how to make corrections. The Nominating Committee is a special committee and holds the key to a successful PTA.Check out our Nominations and Elections Guide to help! All Parent Support Organizations must fill out a facilities use agreement form and follow the guidelines for use of facilities. If you have general questions, call City Hall at (520) 568-9098 and ask for the Planning Division. The MAG Management Committee provides a key role in the policymaking decisions at MAG. Ten (10) Seven (7) days notice must be given of a change in meeting dates or times. The facts of the case, viewed in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, are as follows. Even if you get licensed late in the year, you still must renew your license in January. Lillian served as president of the Kyrene School PTA and initiated and directed summer library and reading programs for children in the Kyrene district.