Miami-Dade County requires businesses to apply for a Business Tax Receipt. Miami-Dade County's website allows constituents and visitors to read about key services, important news and other vital government information.Businesses must have the proper registrations, licenses or permits before they can legally open for business. NAMI support groups are peer-led and offer participants an opportunity to share their experiences and gain support from other attendees. Choose your business name: Choosing a name for your new corporation is a natural first step. A meeting of the MiamiDade County Cultural Affairs Council was held at the MiamiDade. County Auditorium and online via Zoom. These instructions are for the formation of a Florida Limited Liability Company pursuant to s. The Code stipulates that a qualifying firm must be a local business with offices within the boundaries of MiamiDade County. Barry University in Miami, Florida, inspires students to foster positive change in the local and global community.