Section 4: Fill in the month of the meeting. Schedules for the general PTA meetings will be made prior to September for the entire academic year and will be announced at the first General Membership.Agenda will include: (1) Upcoming TPES and PBES dates and announcements. Submit a report of PTA work in the state for inclusion in the annual report of the National PTA. The National PTA has placed the Maryland PTA on probation due to numerous complaints from local PTA leaders about the Maryland PTA's leadership and operations. The standing committee chair must notify the MCCPTA BOD Secretary and MCCPTA President of the substitution prior to the BOD meeting. Submit a report of PTA work in the state for inclusion in the annual report of the National PTA. The information in the Clinical Education. Handbook is intended to supplement those that are stated in the Montgomery County Community. Students must successfully complete each affiliation prior to continuation in the PTA program.