The only thing on the agenda needs is the board of directors' election at the annual meeting. A form of notice and agenda of an annual shareholders' meeting of a California corporation, including an agenda for the meeting.California corporate law requires an annual meeting of the shareholders, but there is no requirement for an annual directors meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors will be held as follows: RAMP BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Notice of all Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given to each. Meeting of the Board of Directors will be held as follows: RAMP BOARD OF DIRECTORS. W:\Board of Directors Meeting Related Docs\Notices 2024\07092024_planning_notice_time_change. Elections are held during each Annual Meeting when the Board nominates eligible candidates to fill any open seats. One of the Board's top priorities is to plan for an orderly CEO transition in the medium term. Meeting are listed below along with the Board of Directors' recommendations, if any.