The Annual Shareholders' Meeting is a privileged appointment where we share our latest results, strategy and growth forecasts. Find out who will be attending, anticipate topics of interest, and help ensure a smooth meeting with our online Shareholder Meeting Registration solution.A successful shareholder meeting is built on a wellcrafted plan. The first step is to determine the date, time, and location for the meeting. Advance notice bylaw provisions are intended to require a stockholder to provide prior notice to a corporation of a stockholder's director nominees or business. Shareholder meetings are a regulatory requirement, so both private and public companies must hold these meetings. Shareholders meetings aren't that hard. Make sure you have at least one red, green and blue character and treat it like Rock, Paper, Scissors. A list of the stockholders entitled to vote at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be available for inspection beginning May 24, 2024. Identify annual shareholder meeting requirements and simplify your planning with a checklist of the steps and processes needed for success.