(3) Notice of a special meeting of shareholders must include a description of the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. Regular Board meetings are typically scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month, except where noted, and begin at 5 p.m.A Notice of Commencement is required for the construction of, improvements to, or alteration or repair to real property. The public can attend the meeting in a room or rooms at the Fulton-Holland Educational Services Center or another location if included in the meeting Notice. For more information, call the Agenda Coordinator at 561-355-3229. Visit the Board Meetings page for staff reports and meeting presentation as they become available. Second Notice of Turnover Meeting of the Membership. And Election of Board Members For. The City of West Palm Beach is a vibrant and dynamic City located on the Atlantic coast of Florida. Be part of the installation of the 20242025 Board of Directors and recognize outstanding Federation professionals.