This guide will help you file formation documents, get tax identification numbers, and set up your company records. The Pennsylvania Department of State's website provides a fill-in-the-blank form for articles of incorporation.Discover essential strategies and tips for conducting a successful project kickoff meeting to ensure your project starts on the right track. We will guide the process of forming a nonprofit corporation in Pennsylvania through ten straightforward steps. In this blog, we are sharing the answers to four of the most commonly asked questions the PA Business OneStop Shop receives about business registration. Order your Pennsylvania incorporation online. It's easy, inexpensive, and guides you through the decisions to set up your corporation the way you want. The Pennsylvania naming guidelines state that a corporation must include words like "corporation", "incorporated", or abbreviations like "corp. Who is eligible to apply for a Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Multi-Purpose Community Facilities (Facilities) Program grant? What is the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act?