This guide will help you file formation documents, get tax identification numbers, and set up your company records. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting.The Pennsylvania Department of State's website provides a fill-in-the-blank form for articles of incorporation. Enjoy our free minutes template for your corporation's first board of directors meeting. Like all our forms, this template is intended for individual use. How to Have Effective 1-on-1 Meetings With Your Direct Reports. You must appoint at least one director who, among other things, will oversee your Pennsylvania corporation until the first shareholder meeting. Meet with direct reports asap. Every Pennsylvania corporation is required to have a Registered Agent. Annie: Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's webinar, "Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law Updates for 2023.