Associations and individuals desiring to do business in Pennsylvania generally must file in the. Learn about the benefits of an onboarding meeting, how to prepare an agenda, and what questions to ask new team members.Here's how to approach that first meeting. I'll walk through what you should be thinking about, some things you can say, and some questions you can ask. After drafting the corporate bylaws, gather all the board of directors for the first meeting. PANO staff are not trained or able to assist organizations in filing paperwork to the IRS and state. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. Build trust, don't chart a vision (yet). The annual shareholders meeting must be held to elect directors on the date and time or in the manner described in the bylaws. (15 Pa. C.S.A.аза1755(a).).