Friends joined Annual Sessions on Saturday afternoon, July 6, in various ways! The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia is the Quaker worship community that meets at ASMH.Visit their website to learn more. Shortly after its publication, the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ruled that members who purchased or sold slaves would be removed from church positions of power. Opportunities for worship permeate the Gathering: indoors and outdoors, in large groups and small. Our meeting is one of eight area Monthly Meetings which make up the Philadelphia Quarter. Each year Philadelphia Yearly Meeting shares an Epistle at the close of Annual Sessions. You can choose to pay any City tax online using the Philadelphia Tax Center, but some taxes must be paid online. Held first month: also the act of incorporation and rules, with list of officers . The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (MMFP) will host meeting for worship in the historic West Room (1811) of Arch Street Meeting House.