You must report newly hired or rehired employees who will be employed in New York State within 20 calendar days from the hiring date. Form a corporation, limited liability company (LLCs), limited partnership or more and do business in New York State.Your first oneonone meeting is a chance to set the tone for how you'll work with your new employee. Before hiring employees in New York, you need to fill out a New York State (NYS) Employer Registration Form and get unemployment insurance. The first step any New York business attorney will advise you to do is ensure the company name you choose is legally available. Probation periods begin on the first day the employee actually works in the title. In this article, discover how to make your first oneonone meeting with a new employee impactful and set the stage for ongoing success. Step-by-step guidance on required onboarding paperwork and compliance in New York. You've got your first one-on-one meeting with a new employee scheduled. Here are the 15 questions you should put on the one-on-one meeting agenda.