Fill out the Form: Tell us about yourself, the type of mentoring you're interested in, and then click SEARCH. The first mentor meeting is usually just a starting point for deeper conversations that will happen in future meetings.Your first mentor meeting should accomplish three simple goals for both mentor and mentee: Build familiarity and rapport. The IRC's REP Mentoring program is a 10-week after-school program for high school aged refugees. The FYE Space, a designated academic location for first year college students, offers space to study, do group projects, or connect with a mentor. Don't miss an opportunity. Browse First Watch locations for breakfast, brunch or lunch near you. Just five years after chartering, in the summer of 1957, the San Francisco chapter was honored to host its first Jack and Jill National Convention. Agree with your mentor to meet on a regular and ongoing basis and avoid canceling appointments. 3. Show up for the relationship.