Both parties must present valid and current government-issued photo ID. Appointments are required. Marriage License Application.If you have not done so, please self-schedule an appointment with the County Clerk's office after completing this application. This article will guide you through the seven essential steps to form a Professional Marriage and Family Therapy Corporation in California Both parties must appear in person and bring valid picture identification to the County Clerk's Office to apply for a marriage license in California. You can apply for a marriage license online or fill out a physical form to bring to your appointment. To purchase your license, both parties must be present. The marriage license you have purchased is your Official Marriage License and authorizes you to marry legally. As of 2024 rules, both engaged parties must appear in person (with unexpired IDs) at the County Clerk office. Each County in the State of California issues Public and Confidential Marriage Licenses however, each County may have different rules on how to obtain and fees.