Exhibit "C" (Election Procedures) in the SYCPG Bylaws of June 17, 2015. b. Las Palmas – EOT – PTS583975 (David Smith, Representative).Before sending a message to the President via electronic form, make sure you read the following information. 1. A form of notice and agenda of an annual shareholders' meeting of a California corporation, including an agenda for the meeting. Infrastructure and Public Improvements (Otto) b. President Vladimir Putin said Thursday there would be no peace until Russia achieves its goals, which he says remain unchanged. They have been superb. About 30,000 people are expected to fill the Qwest Center in Omaha next Saturday for the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders annual meeting. As a shareholder, you are invited to attend the virtual meeting. Before sending a message in electronic form, you must fill out the form correctly. 3.