June 26, 2024 AM PT NVIDIA 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders Listen to Webcast Presentation (opens in new window) Annual Review (opens in new window) Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting, Agenda status: Final.The County of Santa Clara and HCA Healthcare have tentatively agreed on the County's acquisition of Regional Medical Center (RMC). Dear Stockholder: We will hold our 2005 Annual Stockholders' Meeting at a.m. Susan Ellenberg, District 4, President. :53 >> Good evening, everyone. I'm going to :55 call the Santa Clara stadium authority :00 meeting to order. CEO Pat Gelsinger and CFO David Zinsner will discuss the Intel's transition to its internal foundry reporting structure. Not surprisingly, the investors or creditors who signed up for the least risk are paid first. NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) will hold its Annual Meeting of Stockholders at its headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.