If you are interested in attending the Annual Meeting, please fill out the form below. After registration, you will receive a meeting confirmation email.The County Charter requires the County Executive to manage the entire budget- making procedure for Operating, Community College and Capital Budgets. NO. -2024, TO ADOPT A CHARTER LAW PURSUANT TO THE. Some permits are only available for 24 hours, while others are issued on an annual basis or for a multi-year period. SUNY is here to help you understand the process, navigate delays, and complete your FAFSA as you apply to any SUNY school. The Western Suffolk BOCES Board must adopt a con tingency administrative budget that may not exceed the amount in the previous year. To the Clerk, have there been any cards filled out? The largest town in Suffolk County and a great place to live, work and play. This website is your resource for Brookhaven Town government and services.