Parents who wish to home school their children must provide written notice of intent to the school district superintendent. You must fill out this billing record and attach it to the log notes and voucher when submitting for payment.In the event a "special meeting" is necessary, the notice of the meeting must include the exact purpose of the meeting. Foster homes must comply with a home study, and prospective foster parents must be able to meet the child's health and safety needs. This Conflict of Interest Policy covers responsibilities, prohibitions, disclosures, and procedures applicable to the Suffolk University Board of Trustees. Eastern Suffolk BOCES has made available to the public select policies and notices, in our efforts to keep the members of our community informed. School Board Policy Review Committee Meeting - 6.8. Present a complete annual report at the annual meeting of the association. In writing: For notices, fill in the supplied space and send a copy of the notice, or write to: NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. ECP students can earn college-level credits while continuing to complete high school.