1. Introduce yourself - offer donuts you brought with you 2. State your position and scope of responsibility 3.Fill it out with what you feel is needed, review it with your manager over 30 minutes, if more time is needed, more time will be scheduled. The Manager Tools recommendation for the first meeting with a new employee: Be honest, Be kind, Do well. Run your first staff meeting as a new manager like a pro, with a bit of preparation, clear objectives, and a flexible meeting agenda. With preparation, focus, and intentionality, you can ace your first meeting with staff as their new manager. Here are 5 ways to win over your new team. What should the agenda for that first meeting with the new team be? How should you set expectations as a new manager? We're sharing 14 great questions you can ask your new manager during your first oneonone with them to help take your meeting to the next level.