Mentoring Virginia is a statewide mentoring initiative intended to prepare exceptional school-based teacher educators for work in a variety of mentoring roles. Virginia is one of only a handful of states that requires a mentorship, in addition to training, in order to be certified as a court-referred mediator.There are four basic phases to this first meeting with your mentor. VCU You First mentors are first-generation college students who serve as guides to new first-generation VCU students. Need help starting or growing your small business? SCORE provides free business advice through our network of 11000 volunteer mentors in person and online. The first meeting should be about defining the terms of your mentoring relationship. Here is how I structure my mentoring sessions and some of the questions I used for my first mentoring session at my current company. In this meeting, directors approve initial corporate documents and ensure officer roles are filled. You do not have to issue all shares authorized, that way you have the flexibility to add more shareholders at a later date.