The Tax and Utility Bills Office bills and collects real estate, personal property, corporation, and public utility accounts for Allegany County. For the purpose of the Annual Report and Personal.Property Tax Return, provide the business' mailing address in Section I of the Form 1. The Office of Property Assessments provides property assessments, handles tax abatements and exemptions, coordinates assessment appeals, and more. Please refer to the chart below for Tax and Fee information. For any questions, call 412-255-2525 Option 2 for Business Tax. Once completed, use these instructions to submit your application. ​. The Personal Property Division information page of the SDAT Web site contains links to forms and instructions, brochures, exemptions, tax rate charts and more. Fifty cents and above should be rounded to the next highest dollar. Alleghany is made up of approximately 16,000 parcels of land and has 1,000 business accounts and 1,580 personal property accounts.