The Annual Report is a required filing for all business entities, regardless of whether the business owns property,. The Tax and Utility Bills Office bills and collects real estate, personal property, corporation, and public utility accounts for Allegany County.1. Fill in the parcel number of the property for which you are seeking a homestead exclusion. At the top of the Business Personal Property Tax Return, copy the complete legal name of the business and the. Applying for a Tax Exemption. Submit one original and one additional copy to the Office of Property Assessments, postmarked on or before March 31st. Once completed, use these instructions to submit your application. ​. If you do not have a real property tax bill, call the county assessment office (412-350-4600). 2. Please refer to the chart below for Tax and Fee information. For any questions, call 412-255-2525 Option 2 for Business Tax.