There are a few ways to sell a house that is not in your name. The Show spoke with her about what her office is seeing, in terms of people who own property seeing it go up for sale without their knowledge.Arizona is seeing a rise in deed fraud schemes in which entire homes are sold out from under the rightful owners. PHOENIX Arizona is seeing a rise in deed fraud schemes in which entire homes are sold out from under the rightful owners. Arizona law requires that a seller of any real estate disclose certain items in a real estate transaction, such as known defects. We are selling our home and I'm currently filling out the property disclosure statement. No, your husband cannot sell the house, a marital property without your consent. Your husband cannot buy you out if you want to stay. Unlike in some states, the Arizona legislature has not come up with language for a disclosure form that a seller must complete. New homeowner signing contract of house sale or mortgage papers.