Secure your transaction with our notarized bill of sale template. A New York motor vehicle bill of sale provides proof that a motor vehicle has been legally sold and acquired in the State of New York.Here, you will find official forms for all major property types and will be able to use our customized templates valid in the State of New York. A notarized bill of sale is a document that records the legal transfer of any type of personal property (vehicle, boat, etc.) from a seller to a buyer. Get a bill of sale in New York to be used for any vehicle, horse or general bill of sale record. Forms. This form records the specific information involving the buyer, seller, item or items being transferred, notary, purchase price, and date of sale. Tris Sevdy of Sumter, S.C., delivers one of six F-16Cs to an. Forms of acknowledgement that follow. (4). Common Deed Fraud Scams. The problem is finding the one that gets the job done and doesn't empty out your wallet.