If you are a business owner required to file a tangible personal property tax return, your return also serves as your application for the exemption. All the forms listed below are PDF files, which require use of either Adobe Acrobat or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader programs.Complete this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property. Pay your Broward bills online in a few simple clicks. This convenient resource includes information such as business name, year a business was established, address, phone number and account number. If your business sold after January 1, the seller is responsible for the taxes. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. Tangible Personal Property Tax. Ad valorem is a Latin phrase meaning "according to worth". You may also request a Business Property Statement form from our office.