Chapter 1: General Registration Information. A car (vehicle) purchase deposit receipt is written proof that a potential buyer of a car has supplied the seller with a deposit.Use a Business Bill of Sale to set out the terms for the sale of a business and transfer the ownership and all assets to the buyer. Edit, sign, and share vehicle purchase agreement with deposit online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free. , 20____ (date), and the balance to be paid in full on. Typically, you and the buyer can go to the local DMV and complete the necessary paperwork together. Agreements typically require an earnest money deposit from the buyer before the closing date. If you are completing a bill of sale to satisfy a vehicle registration requirement, the law requires that you provide a copy to the DMV. Once the tenant moves out, the landlord must comply with California Civil Code Section 1950.5.