California use tax is imposed on consumers of tangible personal property that is used, consumed, given away or stored in this state. Electronic filing of the Business Property Statement uses a web-based application that will allow users to view, modify, and submit BPS filings on-line.The guide is divided into eight sections – (I) Overview for. Filing a Business Property Statement, (II) Filing a Form 571-L Electronically (e-File),. Assessor Jeff Prang and his staff walk you step-by-step on how to prepare a Business Personal Property Statement, Form 571-L. Forms. In person: Visit one of office locations to complete the Business Property Statement. Tangible property owned, claimed, possessed or controlled in the conduct of a profession, trade or business may be subject to property taxes. Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor - Preparing the Business Personal Property Statement. SDR (Standard Data Record) is designed for large businesses with multiple locations in one or more. California counties.