Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. Learn about bills of sale in California for animals, vehicles, firearms, and more.Receive an email when your bills are ready to view. Click here to apply for an initial CCW permit, renew a CCW permit, modify an existing permit, or to obtain a duplicate of an existing permit. This form will provide law enforcement agencies with the information needed to enforce any orders that are granted. Fill in the Petition (form WV-100) completely and fill in items 1–3 of the Notice of Court Hearing (form. WV-109). If you are seeking a TRO, also fill out form. The Clerk-Recorder's Office does not offer blank forms of documents for recording. Clerk-Recorder Staff is prohibited from giving legal advice. Be included for (FY20), for the priced optional 12-month extension for the proposal package to be considered a complete submission.