"Cook the books" is a slang term for using accounting tricks to make a company's financial results look better than they really are. From synthetic leases to inflated revenues, companies employ a variety of cooking-the-books accounting methods to mislead investors.Most homeowners are eligible for this exemption if they own and occupy their property as their principal place of residence. The Clerk's office registers business names known as "assumed names" (or DBA) for new businesses in accordance with Illinois law. A chef fills both the supervisor and manager roles within the business, yet may still work intimately with his or her crew to ensure that things run smoothly. Strong, longlasting asset protection is oftentimes a matter of where exactly your trust instrument is located. Applicants who already own the property must submit evidence of ownership, a legal description, and a property survey showing all structures on the site. Download the Commercial Cook Stove Certification Form. Form to Determine if Your Cooking Equipment Must Get Registered with DEP. Download the Commercial Cook Stove Certification Form.