Available Forms: Exemption Forms, Business Personal Property Forms, Other Forms, Human Resources. All forms require the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in.This program is designed to help you access property tax information and pay your property taxes online. Business Personal Property tax is an ad valorem tax on the tangible personal property that is used for the production of income. Quantify the economic effect of taxing. You can pay your property taxes via the Dallas County Tax Office website or renew your vehicle registration via the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website. For tax questions regarding City of Dallas, Dallas Independent School District, or Dallas County taxes please call customer service at (214) 653-7811. Is it difficult to file a BPP rendition? The rendition is to be filed with the county appraisal district where the personal property is located. The Texas Property Tax Code for many years had required owners of business personal property (BPP) to annually render those assets used in a business.