No information is available for this page. A Minnesota motor vehicle bill of sale is a legal document that serves as a recording that two parties have executed the sale of a motor vehicle.Filling out a Bill of Sale for a Motor Vehicle is straightforward. Use for Non-Titled Boats, Snowmobiles, and ATVs. This detailed form is meant to provide the court with pertinent information regarding background, children involved, finances, assets, and debts. Apply online or in person to transfer a title, get a duplicate title or register your vehicle for the first time in Minnesota. This detailed form is meant to provide the court with pertinent information regarding background, children involved, finances, assets, and debts. A motor vehicle bill of sale is between a buyer and a seller of a car, truck, or motorcycle. It is signed as the last step in the sales process. Patient stories are one of the great things we get out of working at Hennepin Healthcare.