Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel. Create a motorcycle bill of sale form for New York so you can document the details of your transaction and prove ownership transfer.How Much is it Worth? How to fill out the Motorcycle Bill of Sale Template Download? Vehicle Information – The seller must enter the vehicle's make, model, year, CC (cubic capacity), color, odometer reading, and VIN. A motorcycle bill of sale is a form that serves as proof of purchase, giving the buyer written confirmation that they obtained a motorcycle through legal means. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. My father, standing in the front yard with a garden hose, spraying something or someone, smoking a cigarette. Oxygen in the form of methyl ethers other than TAME and MTBE shall be evaluated as if it were in the form of MTBE. First, please let me profusely thank all the motorists who did not hit me while riding my bicycle both in the United States and in Australia.