Tangible Personal Property is everything, other than real estate, that you use to operate your business. Complete this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property.This checklist is a valuable resource. Businesses are responsible for annually completing and submitting a business personal property listing form to the Tax Office. Zoning Compliance Permits are intended to verify that the use of property in town conforms with the regulations of the Unified Development Ordinance. Deadlines. If the Tangible Personal Property Tax is not paid, a Tax Warrant will be issued. Personal Property Taxes follow the equipment, NOT the owner. Calculate the total amount of coverage allowed. If, among other things, a purchaser has any place of business or salespeople in New York State, or owns or leases tangible personal property in the State,. Business site refers to a site where the owner of tangible personal property transacts business.