Even if you're just looking to cover your home, condo, or car, our insurance advisors will tailor coverage to impeccably cover what's most important to you. Looking for a commercial insurance coverage can be complicated.Want to protect your business in Hillsborough, our independent insurance agency can help. What is business property insurance? If you own, rent or lease your business space, this coverage protects your property and contents. You can get same-day insurance in three easy steps: Fill out our online application to get insurance quotes from top-rated insurance companies. Business liability insurance provides customer property damage, coverage for customer injuries, and lawsuits related to either of the two. Our home-based business insurance policy will cover the damage to business property for professional use of the policy owner both on and off-premises. Tangible Personal Property is everything, other than real estate, that you use to operate your business. Obtaining commercial property insurance can assist in safeguarding the physical location of your business, assets, and income.