Tangible personal property used in research and development business . "Tangible personal property" exists physically (i.e., you can touch it) and can be used or consumed. The use tax rate is 6.25 percent on purchases of general merchandise including automobiles and other items that must be titled or registered. All Arlington County businesses must file a Business Tangible Personal Property Return each year on or before May 1. Tangible personal property tax exemptions for small businesses is a highly economical way of reducing taxpayer compliance burdens. This space is provided for the reporting of property "in charge of but not owned by" the entity completing this form (as Agent, Bailee, Lessee or other. Search for business topics like employer tax identification number (EIN) information, with the A-Z Index. Our mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people. What is the 504 loan program?