The Office of the City Register records and maintains New York City real property and certain personal property transfer records, such as mortgage documents. Landowners or lawful occupants who want to control access to their property and prevent timber theft may post signs warning people to keep out.Our no trespassing signs are designed to inform guests and other parties of lack of entry permission to the property at hand. In Texas it is as easy as painting your fence posts with purple paint. If you don't want people on your land, let them know with no trespassing signs. The Office of the Westchester County Clerk is open from AM to PM weekdays. Welcome to e-filing! One of the Most Affordable Private Colleges in NY State. We work hard to make sure students from all backgrounds have access to a quality education. Mary King has advised start-ups from catering businesses to coffee shops, personal trainers to pop-up shops, food production, trades and service businesses.