This guide can give you a place to start your research when you are interested in creating a Power of Attorney. This packet provides a General Power of Attorney form that asks you to choose either a regular or durable Power of Attorney.POA: Power of Attorney – A POA establishes a PMC as the appointee to act on behalf of the PO in all matters concerning the collection and remittance of TPT. This form is used to record the selling price, date of sale and other required information about the sale of property. Customer: I am POA for my father and he wants to sell his house. Arizona law provides a process in which an owner of property can request a division or sale of the property. This process is called a partition action. Find out how to submit a public records request to the MCAO Custodian of Records. Or just fill out the sales contract with all brothers name on it ? Property bought under a sales contract;. 5.